Kanye? Depressed? No…

January 15, 2009 at 10:30 pm (Hip-Hop, Music) (, , , , , )

808's and Hearbreak Could it be? A heartbroken Kanye West? Kanye’s new album reveals a completely new side of Kanye: the depressed middle-aged male side. Perhaps the change of heart was brought about by the recent passing of Kanye’s mother. West blames himself for her death, and the world now has one more sad, working, individual. And this sad, working, artist produced a new album that screams “Antidepressants! Now!”

However, just because Kanye’s new music echoes cries of sorrow, doesn’t mean its bad. In fact, I quite like the new Kanye. Although the songs do make you want to cry for poor Kanye, they have an interesting techno feel, mixed with some original (yet depressing) lyrics, and finally those good ol’ Kanye West vocals. I highly recommend the album for late night driving or the “post-breakup” period. I love the new flavor that Kanye brings to his music, and even though the songs are mostly driven by his sadness, they offer something new and interesting to Kanye’s repertoire. Memorable tracks on this album are “Welcome to Heartbreak” (lyrics bring tears, yes real tears), “Paranoid” (A happy song?! Savor it.), and “Street Lights” (great background chorus and catchy melody).

Morale of the story: Buy it. It’s worth it. Even if you’re not a huge Kanye fan, this album is very different and everyone can find something to like in it. Feel Better Kanye.

~ E.L.


  1. Music and Band Ezine Blog Carnival - February 2, 2009 | said,

    […] Music Blog presents Kanye? Depressed? No… posted at Decibel Music […]

  2. CD Review - Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak « MW Music Review Blog said,

    […] the songwriting considering it during the time when his mom passed away. Most of the song has that dark sad loneliness […]

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